What are you looking at?
1) The Janis Joplin Alley at Sziget
2) Sziget, finally! Though it took us two hours to get there (we didn't get the Budapest public transport, so we decided to walk. Not the right decision, it was like hell to walk that long after only a few hours sleep...)
3) And so it seemed we would miss The Roots but the program had changed so thank god, we saw them anyway, and they were amazing!
4) Just like the Dutch band Chef' Special.
5) Two handsome fellows, the guitarist and the lead singer :)
6) Chef' Special again
7) Vintage clothing at Sziget.
8) Almost buying a wonderful summer dress at American Apparel, till the realization came that summer's almost over...
9) Knödel, a typical German dish, in Munich.
10) Cake in Munich.
11) A Milka store in Munich.
12) Identity crisis... I didn't drink it, don't worry. But there was many, many beer at this festival in Munich. It looked a bit like a small Oktoberfest.
13) The house of my aunt and uncle in Munich.
14) Riding a bike again!
15) Avalon with a fabulous Milka cow.
16) Avalon and I in a park in Munich.
17) Eating in a beer garden ('Biergarten') with the family in Munich.
18) A typical Munich dish, something with lots of mushrooms. Tasted really good!
19) Me with my nephew and aunt in a very cute coffee bar.
In response to 8)
ReplyDeleteThat is a poor argument to not buy good looking clothes. I'm a practical guy, and even I don't do that. If you wear something in the store and women cannot avert their gaze. You buy it (in your case remove the 'wo' in women) . I hope you can retrieve the thing.