Wild Young Minds: GRADUATED

Friday, June 15, 2012


My dear followers, yesterday I received the most wonderful phonecall of my life: my mentor called to tell me I graduated! And the best part is: I graduated cum laude (that is: with honor)! So high school is officially over for me and I'm so extremely happy about that. Of course I had a great time with the people I met there but I'm ready for a new opportunity, so Amsterdam here I come (:
It actually was a great day yesterday anyway because I had a fashion show and I felt so much excitement and thrill when I walked over that runway those six times. It was really fabulous.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your Cum Laude! And when you do spend money on your room; don't save money on a bed! No, just don't. I'd rather build you closet myself, then having to sleep on some cheap crappy IKEA bed. :S
