Wild Young Minds: The Soul of Passion

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Soul of Passion

Ramai, the friend with whom I go to all the concerts, recently wrote me this poem. I was really honoured - no one has ever written a poem for me!
I hope you like it - I must say I love it.

The soul of passion
Brilliant were the concerts I have seen with you.
Every time has been an amazing day.
Sometimes we had no idea where we went into,
but together we always found the most perfect way.

Extraordinary is your passion for your way of life.
The things you do have their own personal value.
Your interests are all coming alive,
cause you know they will come true.

Never, will the music stop inside your head.
The music will follow you everywhere.
It gives you power, it makes you so glad.
It's the passion you and your father always had.

Thousand times you're thinking
about your blog on the internet.
You're always busy which makes you sometimes upset,
but the busier you are, the better it seems,
to be with your friends and to fulfill your dreams.

Endlessly you'll keep fighting until the end.
I admire the strength of your soul and mind.
I'm just convinced you're one of a kind,
cause I know you are a true friend.

You should definitely check out his other poems here
I'm telling you, he's gonna write a book full with them one day, and then you heard it from me first ;)

I want to wish you a marvelous Christmas Eve!

1 comment:

  1. I feel very honoured by your opinion and I really like the fact that you posted this on your blog :D


    ps. Dankzij de link naar mijn hyves, is m'n blog 20 keer bekeken in 3 dagen ofzo ;p
