Wild Young Minds: Run this Town

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Run this Town

This town means in this case Den Bosch, a bit sad actually.
But well, I had a running match today in my city, where I ran 5 kilometres. I know, not that much, but I see it as a base to start training fanatic from now on.
That reminds me, I didn't even tell you I'm quitting soccer.
I'm too busy with all sorts of other things and I just don't enjoy it that much anymore. In a year I didn't make a lot of progress and it's one of my things, don't know if it's good or bad, I need to make progress. I can't stand the fact that I'm not amazing in soccer, so I don't enjoy it enough anymore.
And now I'm seriously focusing on running. Training for 10 kilometres and later on 15 and then the half marathon (don't know how to say it in English) and my true goal is the marathon. In New York ofcourse.
Imagine running over the Brooklyn Bridge, through Fifth Av and Central Park. That must be the best feeling on earth, like you're in heaven or something, you know how they always say it. Well, I sure want to run THAT town!
But it's gonna take some time till I'm there, and during that time I'm just gonna keep on training and training and training. Because, although I'm quitting soccer, I ain't no quitter, I won't ever give up.

Photos of the 'Vestingloop' are coming soon!

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