Wild Young Minds: Rest in Peace, Michael Jackson 25-06-2009

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rest in Peace, Michael Jackson 25-06-2009

It's been a whole year since The King of Pop died.

I remember when I heard the news. I was getting ready for school and I heard it on the radio. WHAAAAAAAAAAT??! I couldn't believe it! The weeks after I followed all the news about him, listened to all of his songs again - and again - and again. His funeral was heartbreaking. There were a lot of people who were very shocked and claimed they were a big fan, but they didn't listen to Michael before and nowadays they've already forgotten it. Well, I didn't. I've always been a fan of him, his music is exactly what a like - and the fact that it's so famous doesn't change a thing about it. I've found his records: 'Bad', 'Thriller', 'Off the Wall' and many of the records of the Jackson Five. It hurts me that his family overtaxes the dead of Michael. Joe Jackson - his father - only wants money, money, money. It's disgusting.
I still think it's inconceivable how this genius can turn in such a wacko. It's a mystery to me, and I guess it'll always stay a mystery, but maybe that's what makes him so special. For the last time: Give it up for the King of Pop, Michael Jackson!

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