Wild Young Minds: NEW YORK PART III

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


As you will all remember, a bit more than two weeks ago Osama Bin Laden was killed by U.S. Forces. On this historical day, we were in New York City. And yes, this was really spectacular because we went to Ground Zero (the spot where the Twin Towers used to be and where they're building the Freedom Tower on this moment) and it was so crowded.

The night before there had been a gigantic party (at the same moment we were walking on the Brooklyn Bridge) and the crowd was screaming: U-S-A! U-S-A! You can imagine I really would've wanted to be a part of it. Unfortunately I wasn't. One of my friends woke me up saying: O my god! Guys, you gotta hear this I have breaking news! So I muttered: Whut? with sleepy eyes. Osama Bin Laden is dead! And suddenly everyone was in panic: what if there was going to be a terroristic attack in New York? Thank god, our teachers told us it was very unlikely they had planned something like that so soon already. So while I was eating my morning muffin (that sounds really disgusting right?) I watched FOX news (bit too republican for me but well, dying to hear Obama's speech and more).

When we arrived at Ground Zero there were no signs of a party anymore. But there were a lot of camera crews and ABC News et cetera. We watched it for a while and then we went further to the Financial District (Wall Street, the Court) and in the afternoon we went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island by boat. It was incredibly practical for me and a friend because our lecture (very important paper we have to hand in in our final year) is about the immigration of the United States. Ellis Island was the place where the immigrants entered America.

After this trip we made a walk in Greenwich Village. I love this district! Last time I was in New York we saw the Friends apartment here (which we didn't see this time) and we ate in a small jazz café which was very nice. This time we walked across New York University (dying to study there!!) and saw Café University (where Dan is eating his lunch every episode of Gossip Girl). We had the chance to walk around without the teachers at Bleecker Street, so me and my friends went to Magnolia Bakery (Sex and the City!) and ate some wraps at a small cafetaria.

In the evening we went to FatCat, a sort of jazz club where you could just lounge or you could play all kinds of games like chess, shuffles, table tennis, table football and you could pool. Sadly, I was very exhausted (can't remember being this exhausted ever before) so I went back to the hostel early.

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